SUCo-SA and PASA Biodiversity Indaba 2024

Biodiversity Indaba 24

Antonie and the SUCO-SA team at the Biodiversity Idaba in Johannesburg, representing PASA and networking with all the different roll players in the industry. Thank you, Antonie, for making the time and your effort. Much appreciated.On behalf of all the PASA members. Biodiversity Indaba and Investment Summit Indaba Panel Discussion on “Balancing Wildlife and the Economy”, “What

Biodiversity Indaba 24 Read More »

CITES Deel 2- ‘n Bietjie agtergrond oor CITES en hoe ons as Papegaaitelers geraak word deur CITES en besluite geneem deur CITES

In Deel 1 is die agtergrond oor Cites bespreek. Die diagram hieronder illustreer hoe CITES funksoneer gestruktureer is. “Conference of the Parties” (CoP) Daar word gesamentlik na die lede (parties) by CITES as die Konferensie van die Partye (CoP), verwys. Die CoP vergader elke 2 tot 3 jaar om sake van belang te bespreek.  Hierdie

CITES Deel 2- ‘n Bietjie agtergrond oor CITES en hoe ons as Papegaaitelers geraak word deur CITES en besluite geneem deur CITES Read More »

CITES Part 2 – Some background about CITES and how we as Parrot Breeders are affected by CITES and decisions made by CITES

In Part 1 the background about Cites was discussed and outlined. Refer to Part 1. The diagram below illustrates how CITES is structured and functions. Conference of the Parties (CoP) The Parties to CITES are collectively referred to as the Conference of the Parties. Every two to three years, the Conference of the Parties meets

CITES Part 2 – Some background about CITES and how we as Parrot Breeders are affected by CITES and decisions made by CITES Read More »

CITES Deel 1- ‘n Bietjie agtergrond oor CITES en hoe ons as Papegaaitelers geraak word deur CITES en besluite geneem deur CITES

CITES (die Konvensie in Internasionale Handel in Bedreigde Spesies van Wilde Fauna en Flora) is ‘n internasionale ooreenkoms tussen regerings (partye). Dit het ten doel om te verseker dat internasionale handel in (monsters) van wilde diere en plante nie die voortbestaan van die spesie bedreig nie. CITES is opgestel weens ‘n resolusie wat in 1963

CITES Deel 1- ‘n Bietjie agtergrond oor CITES en hoe ons as Papegaaitelers geraak word deur CITES en besluite geneem deur CITES Read More »

CITES Part 1 – Some background about CITES and how we as Parrot Breeders are affected by CITES and decisions made by CITES

CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) is an international agreement between governments (parties). It aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species. CITES was drafted because of a resolution adopted in 1963.  1 July

CITES Part 1 – Some background about CITES and how we as Parrot Breeders are affected by CITES and decisions made by CITES Read More »